"Don't drain my anti-freeze it protects my engine, winter and summer"I snapped this Shell sticker last Summer - the cute little chappie was on the front screen of a very old car and by the looks of it, he'd been there for quite some time.
If found type/old signage is your thing, check out previous posts
We're loving photographer Alan Powdrill's very seasonal new work.
Greasy Christmas is a series of images showing the wonderful way our greasy spoon cafes trim-up for Christmas - no expense spared!
My favourite has to be the fairy lights decorating the plug socket, it's like looking at a scene from the start of Casualty.
Thanks for sharing Alan. I hope you didn't eat in any of those places - although that could be a whole other series!
Images copyright Alan Powdrill.
Love these ads our friends at
Sell! Sell! have just finished for
Fentimans, the makers of botanically brewed beverages to advertising their
Ginger Beer (above),
Victorian Lemonade (below) and
Curiosity Cola (below). They're simple and funny - we'd expect nothing less!
"With this campaign we wanted to do a couple of things - obviously introduce Fentimans to the (still too many) people who haven't heard of them at all, to explain what makes their products special and different to normal soft drinks, and to do it all in a way that felt right for Fentimans. Fentimans are a real family business, dating back to 1905, with a cracking product. So we wanted to kind of get out of the way, and let them speak to people honestly and directly about their product."Find out more
Very funny post over on
Sell! Sell! - I couldn't agree more with Brian.
I love this generic advertising script on the
Sell! Sell! Blog.
"Make Your Own Brand Advertisement script. Simply fill in the gaps, and hey presto! Big brand ad a-gogo!"It's funny and cringe worthy at the same time - way too many TV and Radio scripts following this kind of formula and not in a tongue-in-cheek way. I can't believe they're giving away work that some agencies charge thousands for!
How fantastic are these jumping photos by
Philippe Halsman? I love them.
A Life photographer with over 101 cover shots to his name, a regular contributor to LOOK and the Saturday Evening Post, Halsman was often commissioned to shoot the rich, famous and influential people of the 50's. During this time he had the wonderful idea of Jump! - once the official shoots ended he would ask the stars (no matter how famous or important) to jump. The resulting images (above) are brilliant and show the celebs in such a natural, relaxed way.
"Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Salvador Dali, Weegee, Jack Dempsey and even the Duke and Duchess of Windsor agreed to take a leap of faith. In that era of live television along with the popularity of the big glossy magazines, one’s image was not nearly as protected and shaped by handlers as it is today. There was a feeling of innocence, a desire for spontaneity, and Halsman, with his playful and charming personality, knew he had to get almost everyone to oblige his demand: JUMP!"Halsman called the series, '
Jumpology!' and for the first time they are being exhibited at the
Laurence Miller Gallery in New York (exhibition runs until 28 May 2010). For those that can't make it over to NY there was a book of the images (below) published in 1986 which is still available
here and
Images copyright of the artist, taken from Laurence Miller Gallery.Via The Photography Post and Notcot.
Our friends over at
Sell! Sell! are running a design competition to create the final cover in their
Cover Me Badd set of fake book covers.
"Reading the latest Dan Brown, or Ukrainian Tractor Drivers Go Bananas? Or perhaps Confessions Of A Shopaholic, or something like Gareth Gates' Autobiography (is there such a thing?)? Worry not about being looked down upon by your snooty fellow travelers for your populist or hurredly chosen reading matter. Simply slip a Cover Me Badd over your book and read happily."
The set so far includes covers to make you look intellectual (War & Peace Translated Into Mandarin), clever (Space Science 4, An Expert's Textbook), down right scary (Serial Killing For The Intermediate, A Hands On User Guide) and a little bit weird (Mummy's the Word, Living with the Oedipus Complex).
It's a great idea and if you want to be part of it, here are the competition details:
DESIGN A COVER ME BADD, WIN FRIENDS AND HARD CASHPacks of our Cover Me Badd fake book covers will be hitting the stores later this year. But first, we'd thought we'd offer the chance to you, our dear reader to enter your own. Simply come up with an idea for a name, or even design a fake book cover, and send it to us at doubles
[dot]uk - The chosen entry will be included in our launch pack, and of course the winner will not only garner massive fame and what the Americans call Kudos (aftershave, I think), but also a share of what we are cautiously estimating to be an obscene amount of profit. So get your designing and writing fingers out. The closing date is March 31st.
Read more about Cover Me Badd covers
Images copyright Sell! Sell!
As you all know we're big lovers of
Fentimans soft drinks here at Delicious, so we found it hilarious to hear this week that the Attorney Generals Office in Maine, USA has banned the sale of Fentimans Lemonade to under 21s in their state as it has trace levels of alcohol - yes you heard right, they've banned a botanically brewed Lemonade because it has less than 0.5% alcohol by volume.
"The Aroostook Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, the Maine Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse, the Maine Attorney General's Office, and Houlton Police Chief Butch Asselin have all got involved.Officials from the Aroostook Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (ASAP) and the Maine Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse (MAPSA) have maintained that the beverage should be classified as imitation liquor since learning that a Houlton High School student brought a bottle of the lemonade to school several weeks ago."
In light of all the hoo-ha our good friends over at
Sell! Sell! have helped their clients create an appropriate response (above).
Nice work Sell! Sell! it's brilliant and right on the nail with the tone-of-voice. Of course under age drinking has to be taken very seriously, but there are limits afterall there is trace alcohol in toothpaste, mouthwash and a million other everyday products, all of which are freely available to under 21s.
All the Maine officials seem to have succeeded in doing, is bringing Fentimans, a small Northern England soft drinks company, to the world stage and boosting their US orders considerably!
You can read the full story
I got sent this a few times yesterday and some of you will definitely have already seen it, but it's so painfully true and funny that I just had to post it. Enjoy...
Via Sell! Sell!
I love
Type Nesting - two of my favourite things, birds and type!
Dubi Kaufmann trawls the internet looking for photos of birds nesting in signs and posts them on Type Nesting in the hope of seeing a pattern and determining which letter they prefer.
To date it's the counters in capital A's and R's that seem more popular, but the cap B's aren't far behind.
Images fromType Nesting.
Via Swissmiss.
Just saw this over at
Sell! Sell! - it's their excellent new infomercial for FoneGloo:
"FoneGloo is the latest innovation in mobile phone retention - a sticky gloop that will stick your mobile to your face so that you don't lose it on one of those boozy nights out."
Some mid-week fun from
Sell! Sell! - very funny and Sprinkles is so cute.
I love these new ads for
San Francisco Zoo by
BBDO West also in SF. It is such a simple, fun idea - interactive ads in their most basic form!
The campaign is designed to '
get people connected' with the zoo, and the idea is for people to stand in front of the bus shelter posters, get someone to take their pic and then upload it to the
website gallery for a chance to have your pic used on a print ad for the zoo. The campaign was only launched at the start of the month and there are already thousands of very funny pics in the gallery...
Definitely one of those ideas that I wish was mine!
Images from Coloribus.
I came across the work of photographer,
Matt Stuart today for the first time and these two images in particular really made me smile - I just love photography with a sense of humour, especially when it's a delightful, chance sighting and not a staged idea.
He works with only his trusty Leica to produce witty and clever imagery with an extra level of detail you don't always notice immediately, which makes them both beautiful and intriguing.
Images copyright Matt Stuart 2008.
Represented by Gill Turner.
Check out
Pictures of Walls, a site devoted to photos of stuff written on walls - some are just genius!
Via our good friends at Sell! Sell!