As you all know we're big lovers of
Fentimans soft drinks here at Delicious, so we found it hilarious to hear this week that the Attorney Generals Office in Maine, USA has banned the sale of Fentimans Lemonade to under 21s in their state as it has trace levels of alcohol - yes you heard right, they've banned a botanically brewed Lemonade because it has less than 0.5% alcohol by volume.
"The Aroostook Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, the Maine Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse, the Maine Attorney General's Office, and Houlton Police Chief Butch Asselin have all got involved.Officials from the Aroostook Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (ASAP) and the Maine Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse (MAPSA) have maintained that the beverage should be classified as imitation liquor since learning that a Houlton High School student brought a bottle of the lemonade to school several weeks ago."
In light of all the hoo-ha our good friends over at
Sell! Sell! have helped their clients create an appropriate response (above).
Nice work Sell! Sell! it's brilliant and right on the nail with the tone-of-voice. Of course under age drinking has to be taken very seriously, but there are limits afterall there is trace alcohol in toothpaste, mouthwash and a million other everyday products, all of which are freely available to under 21s.
All the Maine officials seem to have succeeded in doing, is bringing Fentimans, a small Northern England soft drinks company, to the world stage and boosting their US orders considerably!
You can read the full story