I love this generic advertising script on the
Sell! Sell! Blog.
"Make Your Own Brand Advertisement script. Simply fill in the gaps, and hey presto! Big brand ad a-gogo!"It's funny and cringe worthy at the same time - way too many TV and Radio scripts following this kind of formula and not in a tongue-in-cheek way. I can't believe they're giving away work that some agencies charge thousands for!

I thought it was about time we saw some more fabulous Auto type, so here we have
Auto Type V. These are the most recent additions to my collection, but as the show season really starts to kick in I'm sure I'll have more to share very soon!
If you missed our previous Auto Type posts you can see them
here and
here or check out our
Flickr set. If race numbers are more your thing you'll definitely like
these too.
#80 - BOAC First Day Cover, celebrating the their first flights between London and Mexico back in April 1966.
The stamps are not that spectacular, but the graphic on the envelope is great and caught my eye. The orange and blue are really strong and I love the BOAC logo.
I didn't realise when I bought it, but inside there's a card with information about the first flight and cover. Apparently all the First Day Covers travelled 6246 miles on a Boeing 707 for 14 hours 55 mins during the inaugural flights. What a well travelled First Day Cover!

See more items from our wonderful reference box

Tigger, our gorgeous cat? Well today is his 15th birthday!
He's spending it mainly eating his red salmon and sleeping in the sunshine, but took a break for a quick portrait.
Happy Birthday Tigs. x

Our friends at
Castor + Pollux, Brighton have just announced the first UK exhibition of American illustrator Charley Harper's outstanding work. To say we're excited is an understatement!
Fans of Harper will be familiar with his work for Ford Times and know that many of his illustrations were also offered to readers as screen prints.
Well, this exhibition has 22 of the original Ford Times screen prints from the 50's and 60's hand-printed by the Harpers in their basement, along with some later prints from the 70's and 80's printed by the studio.
Last week I was fortunate enough to have a sneaky peak at the work and I can report it's even more amazing in the flesh than it is in any book.
The private view is on Friday 2 July and the exhibition runs from 3 July to 5 September 2010, so there is plenty of time to plan a trip to the seaside (
Castor + Pollux is right on the seafront).
Read more about Charley Harper
here and
#79 - vintage bulb packaging! Niche I know, but vintage bulbs always seem to come in great packaging.
Fischer Autolicht (above) is a spare for a 50's/60s Helphos spotlight. It's so gorgeous - simple 2 colour, with the 50's type and the bulb graphic.
However, the
Neon Crucifix* (below) is my favourite - how many neon crucifix bulbs have you ever seen?? The packaging is fantastic and looking at the type I'm guessing it's also from the 50's/60's. Such a random item it's hard not to love it.
*update to this post*
After a bit of research I've discovered that these neon crucifix bulbs are manufactured for churches and are still available (although not in red as the one above or with the retro packaging) here. 
If you like looking at random vintage items of ephemera, take a look through the rest of our
reference box.
*Big thanks to Carl Rush of Crush for giving me the neon crucifix a few years ago!

How fantastic are these vintage posters discovered in the depths of Notting Hill Gate Tube Station during some recent maintenance work?
In 1959 Notting Hill Gate Tube Station underwent modernisation - the original passenger lifts were replaced with escalators and the passages to the old lifts were sealed off and long forgotten.
That is until recently, when they were rediscovered along with these wonderful advertising posters still very much in tact. What a great find!
Hopefully they'll be saved and put on display in the London Transport Museum (fingers crossed), but at present they remain in-situ and this section of the station remains closed to the public :(
Huge thanks to
Mike Ashworth, Design & Heritage Manager of London Underground for sharing these pics!

Via Kuriositas.
Images copyright Mike Ashworth.

As football fever takes hold I'm relieved to finally see a well-designed
World Cup fixtures poster.
Created for Soccer Aid (raising money for Unicef) by David Watson it was designed as,
"an antidote to the newspaper wall charts and pull outs". So if anyone in your studio/ home insists on putting up a wall chart or poster, you should insist that it's this one!
Each poster costs £7 + pp and all money is donated to Soccer Aid.
Get yours
Images copyright David Burton.
Via Wallpaper*.

Nobrow have just dropped us a note to tell us about their new gallery (above) in fashionable Shoreditch, London!
Nobrow started in 2008 as an
"independent publishing platform for illustration and the graphic arts that would showcase some of the best talent out there today, whether fresh out of college or from the ranks of well seasoned veterans".
They're inaugral exhibition
Dungeons and Desktops runs until 22 July and is showcasing the wonderful work of illustrator
Jack Teagle.
"Dungeons and Desktops is an exhibition that seamlessly melds the worlds of the fantastic and mundane, a cornucopia of staplers and swords, benefits and beasts, hair monsters and HR managers."Prints, sculptures and original works from their catalogue of published illustrators and artists including Richard Hogg, Joe Crocker and Blexbolex (below) are also available in the gallery.

All images copyright Nobrow.

These gorgeous posters are from the wonderful
Vintage Auto Posters, "Since 1980, Everett Anton Singer has been supplying international collectors with the most diverse and highest quality selection of authentic vintage automotive posters".
There are hundreds of posters on the site from general 50's, 60's and 70's auto event posters to posters advertising specific marques including Porsche, Mercedes and Ferrari.
The best thing about this site is that all the posters are for sale. Prices are available on request though, which probably means they're out of my current budget - but I can dream!
Check out more posts full of automobilia
Images copyright Vintage Auto Posters.
#78 - Newton Oils sign. I've had this sign for years, it's not very big (24cm diameter) and only cardboard but I love it! It's the very pointy arrow, which seems quite ornate for an oil sign and the orange outlined type that do it for me.
I'd always thought it was from the late 50's, but after a bit of research it seems Newton Oils was only established in 1961, so I'm guessing it's probably from around that time.
There are lots more interesting items in the reference box - have a rummage

#77 - More matchbooks! Here's a selection of 70's and early 80's matchbooks I managed to get my hands on last week at an autojumble?!
The typography is great, especially on the BEA and Berni logos, but most of all I'm loving the thick black outline of the Wesson illustrations and the delicate skier illustrations on the Wyoming one.
This collection is getting pretty big these days - check out more
here and