#100 - Make Do and Mend, WWII booklet. I promised something special for number 100, and I don't think this will disappoint. It's an original
Board of Trade, booklet published in 1943 as part of their 'Make Do and Mend' campaign.
The Board of Trade produced many leaflets and booklets during WWII. This one was specifically designed to:
• Keep clothes looking trim as long as they have to last
• Renovate children's outgrown clothes so cleverly that none is ever wasted
• Turn every scrap of good material you possess to advantage
• Keep your household linen in good repair
• Make do with things you already have instead of buying new
Clothes rationing was introduced in June 1941 and originally allocated 66 coupons per person. By 1943 the number of coupons had been reduced to 60 per person and emphasis put on the maintenance and care of clothing and household linens - cue the Make Do and Mend campaign.
There are 29 illustrations throughout the booklet including these lovely section headings...
I was lucky enough to pick up this original booklet for 50p!! But if you would like one, the Ministry of Information have published reproductions of all their wartime information publications in the, 'Historic Booklet Series'. This one can be purchased
here. Also there's a great article about clothing rations during WWII
here if you would like to know more.