"Dusts, Cleans & Polishes in one operation".
These gorgeous polishing dusters/mops for use on cars and furniture are from the 50's and part of my growing Automobilia collection. The 'mop' heads are inside the tins to protect them (they're impregnated with polish) and the wooden handles stick out of the top.
The type is very 50's, especially the 'Handimop' font and I love the illustrations of the man cleaning his car and the woman polishing the table!
For more fabulous Automobilia have a look
here and
This weekend I found another
Sellotape® tin (full of vintage cream and pearl buttons which was a bonus!) at a boot sale. This one seems slightly later than the other two I have (below) as it has metric measurements as the main dimensions rather than in brackets as previously.
Metrication started formally here in the UK in 1965, so this tin is probably from the mid to late 60's. I actually now think the other tins are likely to be from the early 60's as I first thought, and not the late 50's.
Have you spotted the slight change on the new tin too? A very small detail, but they've added a hyphen to 'self-adhesive' and have also rounded down the millimeter measurement from 25.4mm to 25mm on the 1" x 72 yds tins.
Check out my earlier post on Sellotape
® tins, a bit of Sellotape
® history and a selection of old adverts
Doing some research yesterday I came across
The Bottle Cap Man a website devoted to, you guessed it - bottle caps or crowns. The site, run by Kenny Yohn in Kansas City is a great resource for collectors and an amazing source of inspiration.
Kenny has an absolutely massive collection of
beer and
soda caps dating back to the 50's, the ones above are only a tiny selection from one of the soda sections. I haven't even looked through the beer ones yet - there literally are hundreds.
I feel a new collection coming on!
Images copyright The Bottle Cap Man.
This great selection of 60's crayon + paint packaging is from the amazing collection of vintage packaging, ephemera and ads etc... in Christian Montone's Flickr
photostream - seriously, I've spent ages looking through his sets and still not seen it all.
I actually have some of these myself. I'll have to dig them out of the reference box and post them up. meanwhile enjoy these...
Images copyright Christian Montone.
I'd never realised how fantastic firework packaging was until I found the
Firework Heritage Museum - a wonderful site by Steve Johnson devoted to 60's, 70's and 80's fireworks,
"Original Pains, Brocks, Astra, Rainbow, Standard, Wilders, and Wells Fireworks, Labels and Boxes".
It's not just the bold, bright and somewhat lo-fi graphics that are great either - some of the names are brilliant...
Images copyright Steve Johnson / Firework Heritage Museum.
Who would of thought that a mundane object like an oil can could be so cool?
The cans above are from
Flickr group,
Oil! A collection of vintage oil cans belonging to his dad. The typography, graphics and colours on each can are great and together they make a really interesting collection. This is only a portion of the full collection too, so I'm looking forward to seeing this set grow.
Images copyright '83.
Via Bad Banana.
#48 - Sunlight Soap Packaging. This Sunlight Soap packaging has unfortunately been opened out and the ends of the box are missing which is a shame. But the pic below shows how the complete pack should look...
When I bought it I estimated it was probably from the 50’s, however after a bit of research it seems it is much older. According to the Unilever
timeline they introduced
‘Sunlight Flakes’ in 1899 and then changed their name to
‘LUX Flakes’ in 1900. This box advertises the
‘NEW Sunlight Flakes’ (in the yellow sash) and therefore must be from 1899!
Sunlight Soap was originally produced in 1884 by Lever Brothers, UK. It was designed for general household use and in particular washing clothes, making it
“one of the first examples of a cleaning product being produced as a consumer commodity”, says
Wikipedia. It was also one of the earliest internationally-marketed branded products!
These days Sunlight Soap has been replaced by man-made detergents in the laundry business, but it’s still available as a hand-wash soap in some European countries and is still a leading brand of dish-washing soap in Canada!
Complete package images from Advertising Antiques.
These cool bits of ephemera are from
HA! Designs Flickr group -
Vintage Ephemera. A collection of items discovered whilst clearing out their Grandpa's house.
There are loads of random items; tins, adverts, playing cards, packaging, coupons, instruction booklets and greetings cards. It's interesting to see what their Grandpa thought was worth keeping for all these years.
Images copyright HA! Designs.
I found these old
Sellotape® tins at the weekend. To think Sellotape
® was packaged in such an extravagant way seems crazy these days, but they are gorgeous and I love the giant 'S' on the front.
I was told they were from the 60's, but after some research I actually think they are from the mid to late 50's. These product pics (below) are from the 60's, showing the original self-adhesive tape in mostly blister-pack style packaging or sold individually from large tin tubes. There are some tins on the bottom row of the display rack, so it's my guess they were being phased out by the early 60's.
The display box (below left) is from the 60's and shows some of the new product range available from Sellotape
® - Masking, Insulating and Double-sided tape,
"Tapes for the Handyman". The box below right shows the more modern looking 70's packaging for the original clear tape.
The ads below ran throughout the 60's to advertise this new range of DIY tapes in DIY magazine and Practical Householder.
For more information about the history of the Sellotape
® brand go
here and for more info about the history of sticky tape see
Product display images copyright Sellotape.