With election fever hitting the UK today, I took the opportunity to delve into the past and look at the changes in the 3 main party logos. It turns out that there isn't much documented online!
Labour proved the most fruitful with the discovery of 3 different logos; the original, 'Liberty' logo (top) in use up to the early 80's, the first rose logo (above centre) and the current graphic rose (immediately above).
I also came across this old ad which I quite like...
I wasn't quite so successful in the Conservative or Tory party search and only turned up the old torch graphic...
and the current tree graphic, which I find weird as green is the predominant colour and not blue..
This search did remind me of the classic Saatchi ad (below) though, which I hadn't seen for a long time.
Most disappointing of all was the Lib Dem search. It turned up nothing despite there being a Lib Dem/Liberal Party/ SDP historical society
website. So I'm afraid I can only give you the early 80's SDP logo and the current Lib Dem bird logo...
If anyone has more information about party logo developments, please let me know. In the meantime - Happy Voting!
Images copyright of the individual parties.