#110 - Printing Ephemera circa, 1965. I came across a bundle of old printers booklets ata boot sale recently, they were only a couple of pounds so I couldn't resist.
The stash included 3 x 1965 copies of
Reproductions Review (August, September & December issues), 6 x copies of
Inklings: Coates Bulletin for Printers (June & December 1965, March, September & December 1967, June 1969 issues) and a copy of
'acid' paper and ink drying produced by The British Federation of Master Printersin August 1965 as no.4 in their
'production aids for the printing industry' series.
It's really interesting to read about the new printing techniques and machines available in the mid 1960's. These two ads in particular, from
Reproductions Review made me smile...
There's lots more vintage ephemera in our reference box, so have a root around it