Blog: Design

From the reference box #133

Right, we're back in the zone, our poor blog has been the victim of our super busy December!

#133 - Monotype Newsletter 90, November 1971. I completely forgot buying a few 70's copies of the Monotype Newsletter last Summer, so it was a pleasant surprise to find them hidden away in the reference box.

Here's No. 90, the first of the new format newsletters which includes a selection of pangrams on the inside covers, a list of London Monotype machine typesetters, an article on Michelin Guides, some metric conversions and a little history of Times Condensed...

New to AT Open House

So, as promised here's a sneak preview of the AT Christmas artists and their wonderful work. First up and new to the AT fold are the Hello DODO, the playful printmaking duo Jam & Ali who design all their cards, prints and totes to make people smile. Here are a few of our favourites...

Second, Bernard Lodge a designer at the BBC for 14 years with the original Doctor Who credits to his name, children's book author & designer and now print maker. He prints all his linocuts and woodcuts on a beautiful large format Victorian press. Here are some of his fabulous prints...

Third up, James Sawyer with his beautifully kitsch Mexican Day of the Dead, folk art, religious & tattoo inspired sparkly shrines and icons...
And lastly, a selection of limited edition prints from the Best. collection of artists including these bad boys...
 Curly Mark "X" limited edition screen print, 2009
Frank Kozik Smorkin Labbit limited edition, Flouro Pink, 2009

AT Christmas Open House

Well it's (almost) that time of year again and this year it's even busier than usual - we've been in a printing frenzy getting ready for the AT Christmas open house.

AT will be throwing open their doors for the first three weekends in December. With paintings, prints, cards, paper cuts, soft furnishings, knit wear, photography and jewellery from Dead Methods, Snorkus, Hello Dodo, Petting Zoo Prints & Collectables, Lou Taylor, Erin Prior, Natalie Martin, Bernard Lodge, James Sawyer, Winsome & Saucy, Nathan James Page, Mr Wingate, Shona Macdonald, Carlos Garde-Martin and Best, it's set to be a cracker (sorry!).

We'll be posting up a selection of work from our favourite contributors throughout the week in a build up to the opening weekend, but for starters, here's some of our new letterpress prints...

Vintage 1920's and 30's adverts printed from the original letterpress blocks...

Letterpress Christmas cards...

Greetings cards...

Hand-cut Christmas banners...

And notebooks...

Make sure you pop by for some delicious cake, mulled wine, to enjoy the roaring open fire and of course, to buy gifts for all your wonderful family and friends! For more information and up-to-date news check out the AT open house blog.

AT open house, 42 Hendon St, Brighton BN2 0EG. Open 1/2, 8/9, 15/16 December 2021. 12-6pm.

Pencil to Pixel. Monotype. One of a kind.

I'm very excited to be going to the preview of Pencil to Pixel tomorrow with our friends at Sell! Sell! The exhibition of Monotype archives showcases the development of type from drawing board to finished metal type and, "brings together the past, present and future of a unique typographic institution."

Pencil to Pixel runs from the 16 - 23 November 2012 (closed 17 & 18th) at the Metropolitan Wharf, London E1 and admission is free!

Images copyright Monotype.

Wed 14 Nov 2012

Posted under: Design , Typography , Exhibition


Auto type XXVI

Some new additions to our own collection of Auto Type - the last batch from this years shows, although I'm hoping to find some rare lettering delights at the NEC Classic Car Show next weekend!

From the reference box #132

#132 - A 1961 travel guide to Beograd, Yugoslavia. I was drawn to this bright, colourful cover (above) and bought it purely for that - I love the simplistic style and big blocks of colour.

The booklet itself isn't anything to write home about, apart from a spattering of little illustrations (I'm assuming by the same artist) and a wonderful map on the inner back cover.

The cover is signed 'Pešić 61', but unfortunately I can't find anything out about him/her which is a shame as I'm a real fan of their style. If anyone knows more about Pešić and where I can see more of their work please let me know.

The reference box is quite full these days, so if you want an inspirational break from the grind, make a cuppa and dive in.

John Hanna tableware

Do you remember the Country Fair covers we posted a while back, with the John Hanna animal illustrations?

Well, tableware designer/ manufacturer Jenny Duff is now producing a range of table mats and coasters using these gorgeous illustrations, including a couple I haven't seen before (above).

You can see more Country Fair covers here.

From the reference box #131

#131 - P&O's 'Chusan' Tourist Class, General Entertainments, 1958. A new addition to the reference box, bought purely for it's wonderful Daphne Padden cover.

Daphne Padden (1927 - 2009) was a freelance designer who throughout her career created gorgeously illustrated posters, marketing material, packaging and menus for the British Transport Commission, the Post Office Savings Bank, the British Diabetic Society, P&O and BEA.

See more posts about Daphne Padden here and here.

Lance Wyman at Designival

I've just read that New York designer Lance Wyman, of Mexico 1968 Olympic branding (above) fame will be a keynote speaker at this year's Designival in Liverpool. Really wish I still lived up north!

Pegged as the north's largest design festival, Designival will also feature "keynote sessions, masterclasses from Liverpool creatives Apposing, Milky Tea and Uniform as well as studio tours, an architour (in association with RIBA), networking, exhibitions, portfolio surgeries, and an after-party running well into the night."

Get more information and book tickets here.

Via CR Blog.
Image copyright Lance Wyman.

Tue 09 Oct 2012

Posted under: Design , Typography , Inspiration


Auto type XXV

Auto Type XXV - I clearly go to too many car shows!! Another selection of auto type from a general classic car show, which includes some more wonderful tractor type (top) and one of my favourites, the gazelle.

As always, the rest of our collection can be seen here and for the petrol heads amongst you there is more classic car & historic racing loveliness here.

British Wrestling Posters

How great are these vintage wrestling posters from the lovely Maraid's Flickr collection, I'm especially liking the Reg Parks one -  with his trying-to-look-terrifying pose!

Via Sell! Sell! 
Images copyright Maraid.

From the reference box #130

#130 - "Where to fish in Canada" an early 1960's fishing travel guide commissioned by the Canadian Government Travel Bureau, Ottawa and published by authority of The Honourable Mitchell Sharp, Minister of Trade and Commerce (dating it 1963-65).

Unfortunately there's no designer or artist credit for this gorgeous cover so if anyone knows who illustrated it, please let me know.

If you want to brighten up this rainy Monday, make a cuppa and have a rummage through the rest of our reference box.

Mon 01 Oct 2012

Posted under: Design , Reference box , Illustration

1 Comment

Biba and Beyond: Barbara Hulanicki

 Biba, 1973 by Duffy. Copyright Duffy Archive.

Biba and Beyond is a celebration of Biba and the woman behind this iconic label, Barbara Hulanicki looking back on her career from fashion illustrator, to Biba co-founder, her design, architecture and interior design achievements and more recently her fashion collaborations.

Barbara and her late husband Stephen Fitz-Simon founded Biba in 1964, a small mail-order fashion label that harnessed the spirit of the swinging sixties and grew to iconic status.

"With its cutting edge yet affordable fashion, Barbara Hulanicki’s iconic Biba store and label transformed the High Street shopping experience in the 1960s and 70s. Young working women shopped alongside models and celebrities, including Twiggy, Cher and the Rolling Stones. Art Deco, Victorian and Hollywood glamour all combined in striking, romantic and sensual designs."

The best bit about this exhibition is that it's right on my doorstep at the Brighton Museum & Art Gallery. It runs until 14 April 2013 so there's plenty of time to pop down to the seaside and see it (the cafe does great cake too, as if you need another reason to visit!).

A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures

Adore (3 deep), 2012

A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures is the new Stephen Powers' exhibition currently showing at the Joshua Liner Gallery, New York - his first solo exhibition in 7 years.

Phily born Powers (aka ESPO) is renowned in NY for his large scale sign painting/ graffiti often seen around the City. This exhibition showcases various scaled enamel on aluminium paintings - from his daily 'Metaltations' (small 10 x 8" pieces) to some 8 x 16ft giants, all in his recognisable style.

Daily Mataltation - 6.26.12

Everything is shit except you love, 2012

Holler back, 2012

Undo my life, 2012

The exhibition is only running until the 29th of this month, so don't hang around or you'll miss it. Only wish I was in NY this month :(

If like me, you can't make the exhibition you can see loads of his gorgeous painted signs and other work here and follow his day to day adventures here.

Images copyright Stephen Powers.
Via World Famous Design Junkies.

Thu 13 Sep 2012

Posted under: Design , Typography , signage , Exhibition


Auto type XXIV

An international selection for Auto type XXIV with the unusual addition of Power Fordson Major - some tractor auto type.

If wonderful hand-lettered auto type does it for you check out our full collection here or if you would rather see cars in full, check out our sister blog, Super Ninety.

Fri 07 Sep 2012

Posted under: Design , Typography , automobilia



Welcome to the Delicious Industries blog. We're an independent design studio based in Brighton, UK and this is our scrapbook packed full of design, illustration, photography & typography inspiration. Check out our work here.

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