book is probably on every designers Christmas wishlist (unless of course they're lucky enough to already own it!).
It's '
Herb Lubalin; Art Director, Graphic Designer and typographer', a retrospective of his lifes work, crammed full of his wonderful typography, Avant Garde spreads and iconic logos.

I have found a few copies for sale but they're not cheap! A bit more affordable though, is the Japanese,
Idea Magazine #329 with a special feature on the 'Typo-Graphics of Herb Lubalin'. Understandably it's a sought after issue, but it covers a large amount of Herb's renowned typography and design and is only 39.50 Euro (thanks to Ryan at
Sell! Sell! for this great tip-off).
There's also a great tribute to Herb Lubalin's work online
Images from Typogabor.